His Excellency the Governor of Kerala Mr. R.L. Bhatia, other dignitaries on the dias, distinguished invitees, ladies and gentlemen,
Let me at the very outset express my profound thanks to the Heart Care Foundation for having invited me to render a felicitation address on this unique and memorable occasion of launching the foundation. The very presence of H.E. the governor of Kerala, Bhatiaji, at this function shows the importance he personally and his government attaches to this major initiative. Every year hundreds of thousands of people in India alone are stricken by Heart Attacks; a very disturbing trend indeed. Many of us have a notion that a heart attack strikes the victim all of a sudden, as though a bolt from the blue. But this is far from the true. A heart attack is like an earthquake. It takes years in the making and hits the victim without any warning as in the case of former U.S President Bill Clinton, who inspite of the best medical care possible, including periodic testing and all the right drugs, could not command clear arteries. Yet unlike an earthquake, a heart attack can be prevented. It is in this context the launching of the foundation assumes importance, because, one of the major aims of the foundation is to create awareness among the public about Cardio Vascular diseases and heart attack in particular. For the successful functioning of the foundation the focus shall be on prevention by disseminating information through media, print and electronic, distribution of leaflets etc highlighting the various risk factors associated with heart attacks viz; smoking, Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia and so on. Such preventive measures will go a long way in reducing the incidence of myocardial infection among our population.